Research & Paper, What's New | November 14th, 2011 |


The share of lighting in the total electricity consumption in Hong Kong has dropped over the past decade from 17% in 1999 to 11% in 2010. For the promotion of energy efficiency, the Chief Executive stated in the 2008-09 Policy Address that, “to promote the use of more energy-efficient lighting products, we will study the need to restrict the sale of incandescent light bulbs”

It was not until three years after the Government’s announcement for making proposals concerning the restriction of the sale of ILBs, that is, in August 2011, that the Government published the “Consultation Document on Restriction of Sale of Energy-inefficient Incandescent Light Bulbs” to map out its specific measures for the restriction of the sale of energy-inefficient ILBs. We believe that the Government is significantly lagging behind other countries in restricting the sale of incandescent light bulbs.

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