As professionals and academics, we cherish the principle of academic, intellectual and professional freedom. Central to these freedoms are the right to freedom of thought, conscience, to hold opinions without interference and freedom of expression. We believe that all professionals, whatever their discipline or area of expertise, should uphold professional independence and integrity. While we consider these part of the core values of our society, we do realize that more often than not they are deeply controversial. Indeed, it has been argued that academic and professional freedoms are by nature problematic. Hence, when called upon to give their advice or express their views, professionals and academics should and should be able to do so honestly, independently, and without regard to and without being influenced by where their personal interests lie. In this spirit, we expect all members of Professional Commons to consider issues objectively, fairly, in accordance with professional ethics and from the perspective of the public interest. The culture of independent thinking is the cornerstone of intellectual rigour and autonomy. It is our common goal to see this culture flourish in Hong Kong.